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Saturday, August 3, 2013

August 3- Chocolate Cupcakes w/Gooey Rolo Centers

There is no woman that I admire more than my mom. People always told me that I'm just like her. As a teen I wasn't sure how I felt about that, but as I grow older I realize it is one of the best compliments I could receive. 

Tomorrow the entire family will be gathering together to celebrate my parent's birthdays, as both of their birthdays fall in the same week. I called my mom earlier this week to ask if what I could contribute to the birthday luncheon. She assured me that most everything was taken care of and that she had it all under control (I am my mother's daughter).  I insisted that she should not make her own birthday cake. She told me that the cake was covered; She would be making my dad's favorite cherry-vanilla dessert. 

I have no complaints about this (that is MY favorite dessert too, after all), but I know that my mom is a triple-chocolate-chocolate lover when it comes to desserts. After I had hung up the phone, I decided to make something chocolate to bring to the birthday celebration. 

Besides, who would complain about double desserts?

My mom loves Chocolate Turtle Candies; The ones with the nuts and caramel with the chocolate coating. Inspired by her favorite treat, I set out to create a nutty-chocolate-caramel cupcake.

It's quite simple.
Follow your favorite recipe for chocolate cupcakes.
Before baking, place one Rolo candy into the center of each cup and smooth batter to cover.
Top with crushed nuts.

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